
National Museum Wales

man playing guitar in bath, and man in field

The Brief

From 2014 – 2021 Midas’s  has ensured that the Artes Mundi exhibition is the most visited exhibition  at the National Museum Wales with a 30% higher footfall than the next most visited exhibition in the same year.

The Work

Midas’s campaign for the most recent edition of Artes Mundi had a media audience of 98 million, with a total AVE of £1.3 million from a total of 451 articles. Midas secured blanket broadcast coverage on BBC News at 10, BBC Breakfast, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 3, and BBC World Service. The winner announcement reached 22 million twitter accounts in just two days, with over 1,000 people direct tweeting the prize on the night itself.


The Results

David Anderson, Director General of National Museum Artes Mundi  is outstanding, truly of global significance. But that in itself guaranteed nothing in terms of UK media coverage. Midas was lively, imaginative and committed, and this showed in the results. They achieved what has never been done before: a breakthrough in coverage by network BBC as well as national broadsheets. It sets a benchmark for future editions of Artes Mundi.